
February 15, 2016

Paper Pumpkin Calendar

As long as I'm getting you caught up on what I've made with recent paper pumpkin boxes I may as well keep going :) Besides, by the end of the week we will have a new fun kit to play with so I'll be busy with that soon!

Flashback to the December Paper Pumpkin. This seemed to be a love it, or hate it box for people. Some absolutely loved it- and they were the ones who helped the refills sell out in less than a day!! Then there were other's who just didn't like the idea of a calendar... although most I believe are now happily turning them into cards.

I personally stuck with the calendar idea. Since I couldn't make one 'as per the instructions' and still have more to play with I kinda half followed directions and half strayed off-path on the whole thing :) Here is what my final project looked like:

As you can see I turned all my cards on their side. I just liked the landscape view better- and besides, then they are perfect to slip into project life albums as the monthly title slots! Double purpose :)

As for the designs on the calendars themselves, I mostly stuck to the themes from the directions. I did swap around a couple of the backgrounds just for what made more sense seasonally to me. Also, I had to change the direction of some of the embellishments so that they would fit on the landscape cards. Otherwise, I mostly kept things in the same groupings as suggested.

I did, however, stick to stamping the month right on top of the numbers for every card. I really liked how that looked, and was didn't want to loose it with the banners that you could put over the top on some of the designs. So now I've got some left over pieces to play with too!

Hope you enjoy my alternative designs. If you haven't gotten your kit together yet, there is no time like the present!! Don't wait to long or those calendar designs will no longer be current!!

Flutterby again soon!

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