
March 13, 2014

It's a Circus Around Here!

Or at least that is what some days feel like! But that would be a story for another day... today I'm actually talking about a Circus Theme Party :)

I can't believe that my little Declan is going to have his first birthday in about two months. Time sure flies! Which means I need to start my planning NOW (or I will be scrambling at the end). I decided on an "Admit ONE" theme, since he's turning the big ONE... and the tickets will be for a Circus :)

I'm so excited for these invites. I decided to think outside the box on this one. So, in MDS instead of designing on a standard card size, I chose to make a custom size (at half of a 12 x 12). That way I can print two to a scrapbook page and cut them in half to send. Sound a bit big for an envelope? Never fear- I will use a double z fold to make it a standard size card. If you don't know what that is stay tuned for pictures of the final product :)

For now, here is what I've got from the digital planning end. Love it?!?!

Almost everything on this layout is from one piece of the Big Top Birthday DSP. I used an outside photo editing software to separate the animals from the tent (and then 'fill in' the holes they left) and remove the ground and sky. This allowed me to use them like embellishments on the page so that I could have them wherever I wanted them. WooHoo!

Then, to make the tent bigger, I used the crop feature in MDS. This allowed me to repeat the center portion of the tent and stick it in the middle to make it longer. Lastly I fancied up the bottom triangles (they didn't match up when I repeated the top portion) and then added a scalloped border between the top and bottom to hide the seam. It looks like it should be part of the tent :) The final effect made for one big long tent- perfect for this card design!

Do you have any circus party ideas for me? I would love to hear from you- creativity always works best with outside inspiration :)

Flutterby again soon. Spring is in the air- soon the butterflies will be too :)

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