
December 20, 2013

Creating my own Embellishments

I loved the World Traveler Photobook for my trip to Glacier National Park. But it just didn't have embellishments for everything I needed. Like for the page with the kids blowing bubbles- the travel themed decorations just didn't seem to fit. So what is a girl to do...

Well with MDS the answer is always to improvise! And there are so many ways to do so.

First off I created matching bubbles :) I used a circle punch and filled with the blue World Traveler DSP (don't forget to add a shadow for extra dimension). Then it just had to have a little 'shine' added to it. To create the reflection I actually made my own punch. Did you know you could do that with MDS? All you have to do is select a punch and instead of adding it select edit instead. Then you can move the object anchors around to achieve the shape you want (for my shine I altered a circle). Isn't that cool!

I also wanted the background paper to look spotty. By doing a search I was able to find a stamp that would do just that. I blew it up really big (love the new .svg file types) and turned down the opacity so that it wasn't overwhelming. It turned out pretty cool- it matches the rest of the book but yet has its own style now.

Last but not least by doing a search for 'bubble' I came across the little image of the boy and girl blowing bubbles from the Storytime Ensemble. I thought that they would fit perfectly on this page. I didn't want the bright colors though, so I recolored them to a nice neutral brown and shrunk them down so it would look like they were sitting on the picture.

Flutterby again soon like the Bubbles!

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