
September 20, 2012

Its the End of the Trip (as we know it)

My Branson album is almost done. Whatever will I show you now... I'm sure I'll think of something :) I hope you enjoy seeing an entire project come together instead of just bits and pieces. I'm one of those people who likes things "matchy matchy". Thus I pretty much always do two page spreads (it bothers me when they don't go together, LOL). And when I can I do theme albums so that the flow goes throughout. So, if you're like me, I sincerely hope that my full albums give you ideas for your next project too!

Alright, enough fluffy stuff. On to the good stuff. I saw this layout and loved the simplicity of it. It has nice clean lines and allows for some bigger pictures. I also LOVE alphabet punches! That is how I wrote Dinosaur with spotted DSP. Seriously, if you haven't yet invested in a digital alphabet punch it is time to do so. You will fall in love too!

If you ever go to the Titanic Museum you will find that they don't let you take pictures inside :( . Boo. However, I was able to find a handful of decent pictures on the internet (I did a google search for only large pictures). This layout worked nicely for only a handful of pictures. Then, I scanned in our tickets and "tucked" them behind the photos. Great thing about scanning- even though I only saved two tickets I was able to make it look like I had them for all four of us. Yay!

Well, that brings us to the final page of my project. Thanks for coming along on my journey :)

Flutterby again soon!

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